

  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 广东省 东莞市 塘厦镇 中国广东东莞东莞市塘厦镇清塘北街16号
  • 姓名: 陈卫平
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:二手设备 二手仪器仪表 二手特殊仪器仪表
  • 发布日期:2021-08-03
  • 阅读量:143
  • 价格:9999.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:E8247C
  • 产品数量:1000.00 台
  • 包装说明:二手
  • 发货地址:广东东莞塘厦  
  • 关键词:E8247C回收,E8247C回收,E8247C回收,E8247C回收,E8247C回收,E8247C回收


    联系人:陈卫平(经理) 手机: 
    电话:0769-28132736  传真 :0769-87888854 
    Q        Email:cbwapc123@
    HP8648B ` HP8648C `HP8665A,HP8648D` HP8665B,
    HP83630A,HP83630B,HP83630L` HP83711A,HP83711B,
    2.本公司自产自销,安规测试仪器 ,线材综合测试机 ,环境实验设备(线材弯折试验机,盐水喷雾试验机,可程式恒温恒湿试验箱,拉力试验机,线材测长率试验机,手机滑盖/翻盖寿命试验机,按键寿命试验机,振动试验台,伺服插拔力试验机等等) 
    3.华南区总代理亚锐电子负载3710A/3711A 特约代理中国台湾益和线材综合测试机..
    Continuous sweep of frequency and power
    The PSG equipped with Option 007 enables fully synthesized analog frequency and power sweeps. This is important when using the PSG as the stimulus for swept stimulus/response measurements, such as gain and frequency response. Fully synthesized ** generators are phase locked during the entire frequency sweep, excluding band crossings. This results in superior frequency accuracy that is typically 10 to 100 times better than traditional "lock and roll" sweepers that are phase locked at the beginning of the sweep and run open-loop for the remainder of the sweep. The PSG's high output power and increased sweep speed result in more dynamic range and increased throughput for stimulus/response measurements.
    Interface with the 8757A/C/E/D scalar network analyzers
    The PSG interfaces seamlessly with the Keysight 8757D scalar network analyzer for fully automated network measurements. Add another PSG to this setup for swept two-tone tests. Ten independent, continuously variable frequency markers are available on the PSG that allow accurate analysis of a device at critical frequencies. Option 007 also provides square-wave modulated RF for use with the AC detection mode available on the 8757D. AC detection reduces the effects of broadband noise, thermal drift and other unmodulated **s that can degrade measurement performance. See the 8757D Scalar Network Analyzer User's Guide for more information on the AC detection mode.
    View the PSG two-tone master/slave configuration with the 8757D. Block Diagram
    Typical applications
    The ramp sweep option is recommended for stimulus/response measurements that require a fast, continuous analog ramp sweep, rather than a slower digital stepped sweep. Continuous sweeps are typically required for accurate characterization of gain, frequency response, isolation and return loss of components such as amplifiers, filters, and mixers. The PSG's wide dynamic range also increases measurement accuracy of filter rejection and switch isolation. For two-tone (master/slave) swept measurements on mixers and other devices, two PSGs can synchronously track each other with independent control of start and stop frequencies.
    How to upgrade
    If you currently own an E8247C PSG, it can be upgraded to include Option 007 by ordering E8247CK-007.
    Automated scalar network analysis- The PSG is the only source with a scalar interface that enables fully automated swept stimulus/response measurements with the 8757D scalar network analyzer. Keysight 8757A/C/E scalar network analyzers can also be used with the PSG ** generators in manual mode.
    More dynamic range- The PSG's high output power improves the dynamic range of stimulus/response measurements with the 8757A/C/D/E scalar network analyzer by approximately 10 dB at 20 GHz.
    Swept two-tone testing- The PSG master/slave configuration, along with the 8757D, provides you the ability to measure the performance of a device under test with two input **s. Many applications require two LOs to be swept simultaneously with a constant frequency offset between the two sources.
    Alternate sweep- This function provides the ability to make real-time measurements, alternating successive sweeps between the PSG's current sweep state and any of the sweep states stored in memory. The device's response may be displayed on the 8757D over two independent frequency or power ranges. When testing amplifiers in manufacturing, the alternate sweep feature can be used to compare small ** gain and large ** gain for real-time 1-dB gain compression measurements.
    Superior accuracy- Exceptional frequency, power, and marker accuracy improves measurement uncertainty and yield rates.
    Up to 10 markers available- Setup and generate up to 10 different markers with the PSG's convenient table-based marker editor to aid in scalar measurements with the 8757D. Frequency and amplitude data for the currently selected marker is automatically displayed on the 8757D's measurement screen, allowing you to quickly and easily identify cardinal points in your measurement.
    欢迎来到东莞市捷鑫仪器有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市塘厦镇中国广东东莞东莞市塘厦镇清塘北街16号,联系人是陈卫平。 主要经营我们主要回收、维修倒闭厂仪器,回收光仪器,回收网络分析仪、频谱分析仪、示波器、综合测试仪、电子校准件、蓝牙/WIFI测试仪、信号发生器、数字万用表、数字源表、噪声源、频率计、LCR数字电桥、GPS信号源、多功能校准仪、直流电源、电子负载、功率计、NI GPIB卡、等进口仪器!。 单位注册资金未知。 我们公司主要供应回收仪器 东莞市捷鑫仪器有限公司 CL-200A回收 U3741等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!